Green Gift Giving Ideas

Donated By: Wendy
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Green Shopping Guide
Where Possible:

  • Buy gifts that are sustainably grown, harvested or recycled or made from reused materials, as well as biodegradable materials and recyclable materials
  • Buy energy star rated products
  • Use rechargeable batteries
  • Look for products containing nontoxic and organic materials
  • Use less packaging or no packaging

Consider buying products that incorporate recycle, reduce and reuse:

  • Buy passes to a National Park
  • Buy subscriptions to green periodicals or magazines.
    • The Green Guide. This Guide answers many questions regarding personal and household environmental issues and recommends safe and healthy products.
    • Plenty.
    • OnEarth.
    • Organic Gardening
  • But copies of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
  • Plant a tree in honor of someone.
  • Consider purchasing a Night spotting scope (to watch nocturnal animals either in your backyard or while camping)
  • Send your kids to camp so that they can learn about the great outdoors. Alternatively, you can donate to the Fresh Air Fund, a program that sends city children on summer vacations to the country.
  • Buy some binoculars and become a bird watcher.
  • Buy holiday wreaths, made of birdseed, as food for the birds in the winter months.
  • Make baked goods like cookies and cakes and package them in usable containers.
  • Buy a bat house from Bat Conservation International.
  • For environmentally friendly ways to get around time, consider folding bikes or scooters.
  • Purchase Solar charger for Ipods
  • Buy LED holiday lights (they save up to 90% of the energy used by regular mini lights and last 100 times longer)
  • Purchase a wrap-n-mat sandwich holder (a reusable wrapper that doubles as a placemat)

Consider Giving Gifts that Benefit Charities

  •            With this site, you purchase a gift certificate in an amount of your choosing, then a certificate is sent to your recipient, who then selects the project to donate to.
  •   You make a donation and then your recipient receives a greeting card detailing your gift.
  •       for a donation of $6.00, a tree is planted in your recipient’s honor and you are mailed a greeting card to send to your loved one.
  •   your donation benefits an entrepreneur of your choice    (i.e. a fisherwoman in Somalia) Once your “loan” is repaid, you can either withdraw your money or reinvest in another venture.
  • Your gift of livestock or plants helps fight poverty and hunger within the United States and aboard. Gifts, such as a share of a heifer or a share of a goat, may be pooled together to help an entire community.
  • Your gift helps organize rural women to plant trees.
  • This organization seeks to improve living conditions by facilitating long term, locally developed building solutions to post-disaster reconstruction.